Sunday, November 27, 2005


You know how sometimes you look at your offspring and you see so much of yourself reflected that you gasp in amazement? And sometimes you look at your offspring and you think, "I really like to sleep so I don't really understand why you want to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Don't you like to sleep too?" We're sort of having the second kind of moment right now.

We are both sleepers. Give us a day off and we're most likely to sleep until 11 a.m., go get coffee, and then complain about exhaustion. Please don't get me wrong--we're very lucky that our kids are relatively good sleepers. It's just that I would never pass up the opportunity to take a nap, and they are currently upstairs going on their second hour of laughing and shaking the bars of their crib. I am about to go upstairs and get them and label this morning nap a bust.

It's sort of more like one of those I-am-so-jealous-of-you-right-now-why-aren't-you-taking-this-opportunity times that all parents have. Whether it's your child giving up a chance at grad school that you never had. Or blowing off family traditions that you've carefully nurtured through the years. Or skipping a nap when your mother would give up all of her calphalon pans for two hours of sleep.

Actually, that's not really fair since I don't really like the calphalon pans anymore. I'm currently saving up money for a visa out of no-stick-land. Off to go get my children and start another day of cooking school.


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